Sunday, August 22, 2010

CDA Sponsorships

UPDATE: I have an amazing boyfriend with some amazing parents, and they've collectively decided to support 4 of these boys below! The only one without a sponsor now is E. If you're interested in supporting him, contact me and I'll get you set up! Also, like I said in the blog, all the kids from House 1 and 2 are up to be sponsored!

This blog is dedicated to something amazing that YOU can do to help the kids at Casa de Amor: sponsoring a child! This is a great way to support CDA and to keep up with everything they're doing, plus communicate with a specific child and get updates on him/her (and sometimes letters or cards made by the child!)! It only costs $25 per month to support a child, and you can pay monthly, quarterly, or yearly. For more information on sponsorships you can go to CDA's webpage HERE. If you click on the bullet point that says "sponsor," it will open a document with some frequently asked questions, plus the form you can fill out and send through email or regular mail if you decide to support a child. You can also ask me any question (either through the comments here, or email me at and I will find out the answer for you!

After being here and getting to know the kids, I chose this sweet girl for my family to support!
A.M. is a little ray of sunshine who currently lives at House 2. She is 3 and a half years old and HIV positive, with plenty of special needs that go along with that. She has never had a sponsor, so I am so excited and happy that my family will be her first!

The way CDA has the sponsorships set up allows for each kid to have up to 4 sponsors. Currently nobody has 4, so any of the kids from either House 1 or House 2 are available to support! But there are several from House 2 who have no sponsors at all right now, so I'll focus on them.

A. (almost 7)

E. (almost 5)

J. (almost 7)

J.G. (3 and a half)

M. (almost 6)

Seriously people, how can you resist those adorable smiles?! Think about $25 a month. It really isn't that much to sacrifice, but it could make a big difference in one of these kids' lives. If you want to sponsor one of them, go to the link I put at the beginning of this post, click on "sponsor" where it says "sponsor a child or staff member," read the FAQs and fill out the form (2nd page of the Word document)! Or you can let me know and I'll hook you up!

All these photos were taken by Melissa Dickey- Captured Whispers Photography

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