Saturday, June 25, 2011

Lake Day!

This Thursday was a holiday called San Juan. I'm not exactly sure what it celebrates, but apparently it's a big deal. For this holiday, Jen planned a trip to a lake outside Cochabamba for some of the kids from the Coronilla (one of her groups of street kids).

The lake! Pretty scenery, not so pretty water...

The guys tried to fish throughout the day, but didn't catch anything :(

We went on a boat ride around the lake!

I took a ton of pictures of this guy in front of different objects, and in every single picture he's doing the double thumbs up!

We also drove around and ended up in a little town called Tarata. We went to the downtown plaza and saw this little parade, apparently for Corpus Cristi, another holiday going on!

Overall it was a full, but very fun day!

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