Monday, May 17, 2010

1 Week Left!

Hey everyone! I know I said I would be updating this before I leave, and I'm sorry I haven't. The end of the school semester was super crazy and busy for me so I was focusing more on that. Anyway, I only have a week left until I leave for Bolivia! I can hardly believe it's so soon, but I'm so excited! Now that I'm done with school and back home with my family, I'm getting ready for the trip.

I want to thank everyone who is supporting me in any way. I have received donations which have helped a lot with the cost of my trip, and I'm very thankful for those. I'm also blessed to have so much spiritual support from everyone who is praying for me. I just want to ask that you all continue to keep me, as well as Casa de Amor, in your prayers. Also, if you're interested in donating any items, I just got an email from one of the volunteers at CDA that lists some of the items they're in need of right now:
  • Warm clothes for ages 2-7, boys and girls...this includes pants, long sleeve shirts, sweatshirts, heavier jackets, gloves, hats, socks, etc. They are especially in need for girls age 4-7!
  • Shoes for all sizes
  • Underwear
  • Plain white socks
  • Hair things
You can also find a list of all the donations they accept HERE (toward the bottom of the page). If you have any items you want to donate, you can either mail them to me (ask me for my address), or if you live near me we can meet sometime this week. I will be taking a suitcase of donations with me.

That's it for now, but I look forward to communicating with you all throughout the summer! :)


  1. We'll so miss you, but so excited for you! You're on the prayer list sis!

  2. Well, this will be a fast week, but I'm excited for you to get to Bolivia and start helping with the children and the ministry there!

  3. I'm gonna miss you mucho, but I know you'll be touching so many hearts :) I love you and I'm so proud of you!!!

  4. Great visit with all of you last night! Traveling mercies to you.
